Praise The Great Whatever

Grateful for whatever few days in the house I have alone, but if it lasts too long I get into fear and worry about money. I was reminded to practice my mantra, More than I need is already here and I have enough to share. The last month helped me break past an internal barrier of not wanting... Continue Reading →

Stories Create Our Lives

What to choose today? I worked on the book yesterday and felt peace. The process was okay, I read and transcribed without triggers. I simply notice how I created my life then and how it’s not what I want to create now. In 2002 I felt like I was in a dead heat on a merry-go-round.... Continue Reading →

I see clarity in my holistic Being.

I am not responsible for what anyone else feels, thinks or does. I don’t have that kind of power. I am here to BE Grace, share my experience, strength and hope holistically with the world. I can no longer keep my light under a shroud of silent darkness.

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